Education in Tanzania
Imagine a National Education System with over 100 students per class.
Imagine all classes taught in the native language of Kiswahili. Imagine a
National Exam to advance beyond Primary School written in English !!
The Education System in Tanzania is not adequate.
On January 25th, 1999 a school was born that teaches all of its classes in
English. Today KEMPS (Kibeta English Medium Primary School) has over 320
students with 80% boarding on a campus overlooking Lake Victoria. KEMPS starts
with Kindergarten and runs thru 7th Grade. For a majority of these students thisis
the first time that they sleep in a real bed and have 3 meals a day.
In 2013 a couple from Grace “adopted” a little 5 year old girl,
Twinamukama (Twina) and has supported her with her education at KEMPS.
She has graduated KEMPS and today is in Secondary School and next year she will
begin her advanced studies and then attend University. This bright little girl
without a bed or proper nutrition thrives today and tomorrow will make a
significant contribution to her country.
What a great story for one little girl. Now multiply that by 14 !!
YES, today Grace supports 14 students with their education in Tanzania.
If you wish further information or have any questions contact Inge & Bob at