The Grace “Green Team” is the Environmental Stewardship Committee, established in 2018. The “Green Team” explores ways for our congregation to be more energy efficient and earth friendly. The committee works closely with the Property Committee and other groups to recommend and help implement actions which will reduce energy and water consumption, improve our building’s energy efficiency, reduce waste and utilize eco-friendly cleaning products.
The “Green Team” meets monthly on the 3rd Monday of each month (at 8:00pm, just following Social Ministry at 7:00pm) at Grace.

Actions already taken include:
- Replacement of plastic serving ware with non-disposable plates, mugs, utensils, serving ware.
- Purchase and installation of energy-efficient dishwasher
- Fair trade coffee, tea and cocoa served at coffee hours after each worship service.
- Establishment of Yorktown Repair Cafes, held quarterly since July 2018
- Community screenings of environmentally-focused films, accompanied by discussions, advocacy actions.