Together We Soar
Troop Motto: “Live the Law”
Troop 174 has been chartered by Grace Lutheran Church, Yorktown Heights, NY since 1974 and is part of the North District of the Westchester-Putnam Council BSA. It is a mid-sized troop with an extensive pool of fully trained and experienced adult leaders.
The troop meets weekly for its structured meetings, on Mondays from 7:30pm-8:30pm. The troop is boy-run with proportioned patrols led by elected patrol leaders. Through numerous opportunities and the guidance of our dedicated and experienced leaders, Troop 174 empowers the boys for lives of adventure, leadership, learning and service.

The Scouts are proud of their active program which includes:
- Hikes: Giant Ledge, Appalachian Trail, Bear Mountain Trails
- Campouts: West Point, Cabin Camping, Durland Scout Camp, Ice Climbing and Summer at Camp Read
- Family trips: Historical, Skiing and Fishing Trips
- High Adventure: Sea Base and Philmont
- Community Service and Events: Community Food Pantry at Saint Mary’s Episcopal Church Mohegan Lake, Battle of Yorktown Roadside Cleanup, Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day Parades
For more information, please visit our Troop website at:
Scout Master: Kevin Byrnes