Grace Lutheran Church has been an active faith community in northern Westchester / Putnam for over 50 years.
We welcome everyone through our doors for a variety of events and ministries.
For over 40 years, we have sponsored Boy Scout Troop 174, which celebrates over 100 Eagle Scouts through their ranks!

Twice a year, we host Blood Drives with Hudson Valley Blood Center to replenish much-needed blood supplies.
We serve as a polling place for the Board of Elections.
We spruce up our Adopt-A-Road mile on Route 6, from Curry Street / 6N to the Jefferson Valley Mall annually.

We open our Fellowship Hall to community organizations for meetings and fund-raising events, and to individuals for family celebrations.

Every other year, we host a successful Craft Fair, highlighting handmade crafts, baked goods, white elephant items and fair-trade handcrafts from artisans around the world.

Every year, we host one or more community Concerts in order to share our musical talents with a wide audience.

We are visible in our community outreach at the Mahopac Street Fair and Yorktown Fall Festival, as well as community events such as the Four Chaplains Ceremony at the American Legion Post 1009 and ACS Relay for Life.

We serve as a regional Ingathering site for Lutheran World Relief, serving as a drop-off site for other congregations to bring their Quilts, Personal Care Kits, Baby Care Kits, School Supplies, etc. for pickup by the LWR tractor-trailer for transportation down to the LWR warehouse in Maryland.