Lenten Thursday Bible Study Challenge
Ever wonder what “The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse are all about? Or what the rest of the mysterious, scary, and just really strange book of Revelation is all about? You are not alone.
That’s why Pastor Chris is challenging you and himself to dig into this last book of the Bible to hear what it might have to say to us today. Sure, there have been some novels and movies that have claimed to “enlighten us” about what God intends to do at the end of time, but are they right?? Come find out by joining him on the 6 Thursdays of Lent for this Bible Study Challenge and get some clarity about today and tomorrow.
Grab the Webex link from Grace’s Friday Noon Update email (Webex apps are free!) and click on the button below to join in at 11:00 a.m. or 7:00 p.m. Don’t get “Left Behind”.
Lenten Bible Study Challenge – Revelation -11am Lenten Bible Study Challenge – Revelation – 700pmLenten “Fasting From . . .” Series Every Sunday
Sunday, Feb 21
Time to take a break from taking a break? Grace begins our Lenten Fasting series . . . maybe . . . maybe not . . . I dunno . . . that might be too much to worry about . . . I don’t think it matters anyway . . .
Grace Anti-Racism Workshops
Click to join the Anti-Racism Video ConferenceGrace-wide Lenten Discipline
Thinking of You
What did you get in the mail today? Wouldn’t it have lifted your spirit to find a card or note among the bills and the ads? We can do this! 1/2 dozen cards, that’s all it takes to keep this Lenten Discipline of sharing the love. Start on Ash Wednesday, February 17th, by writing a card or note to someone, anyone (even try someone you may not know too well) from Grace (send an email to office@Graceyorktown.org if you need an address). Then send another one every Wednesday in Lent . . .
And check your own mailbox!
Wednesday Lenten Taizé Evening Prayer
Lenten Friday Lunch Discussions on Living Lutheran
Living Lutheran Lenten Lunch Discussions begin
Friday, February 26 at Noon
Tired of just talking about the depressing news? Wouldn’t it lift your spirit to hear and discuss the amazing things that people of faith are doing? Why not take a lunch hour and be part of Grace’s Lenten Lunch discussions about the news from the Living Lutheran magazine – the bi-monthly publication by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Read the interesting, uplifting and encouraging stories of regular Lutherans living out their faith, or dive into one of the educational pieces on an aspect of our faith, or hear what our Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton has to say about contemporary issues. (There is also a crossword puzzle!). Then log on/dial in at noon on the last Friday of the month beginning in February for the discussion and fellowship led by Carol Swanson.
Here is a link to the current Living Lutheran:
Consider what was interesting to you:
- Was it a particular article? (the cover story? or a story from a region of our global church?)
- Was it a specific topic? (I’m a Lutheran or Global Missions)
- What is your favorite section in an issue? Advocacy? Deeper Understanding of our faith?
- Do you first look for the message from the Bishop?
- Was there any church activity that piqued your interest?
- How do we stay connected while our building is closed due to the pandemic and our usual gatherings are curtailed?